Al Muhafidz: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Muhafidz jurnal : Jurnal Al-Qur'an dan TafsirLembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Al Multazam Kuninganen-USAl Muhafidz: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir2807-6346Legalization Of Islamic Principles (An Analytical Study Of The Maqashidi Interpretation Approach In The Book At-Tahrir Wa At-Tanwir By Thahir Ibn 'Asyur)
<p>The Qur'anic Maqasid in the verses that are almost formal in formalising Islamic Shari'a are as follows: Al-Baqarah/2: 208 emphasising the importance of entering the religion of Islam with its universal values that apply to all human beings. Al-Ma'idah/4:60 explains that taghut is a being other than Allah that is worshipped, and that it is important to obey the legitimate leader. Al-Ma'idah/5:44 gives the definition of disbelief as the disobedience of religious believers to the laws of the heavenly religions, while providing benefits to all humanity. Al-Ma'idah/5:45 and 47 indicate that zalim and fasik are terms for followers of any religion who do not follow the legal provisions of their holy book and do not provide benefits. An-Nisa/4:59 explains that ulil amri are leaders who are just, trustworthy and beneficial. Finally, An-Nisa/4:65 states that Muhammad's shari'a is a just Islamic shari'a and ijtihad law based on justice. All these verses represent the moral ideal of the Qur'an, which aims to fulfil the benefit of mankind and emphasises that the Qur'an is a relevant revelation for all time and place.</p>Anjaludin AnjaludinAbdul Muhaimin ZenM. Ziyad Ulhaq
Copyright (c) 2024 Anjaludin Anjaludin, Abdul Muhaimin Zen, M. Ziyad Ulhaq
2024-08-262024-08-264216718310.57163/almuhafidz.v4i2.101Educational Values For Children Based On Qs. Luqman: 13-14 In Digital Era
<p>This research aims to outline and explore the concept of educational values for children in digital era which is based on QS. Luqman: 13-14. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. According to the results of this research, it is concluded that through the values contained in QS. Luqman: 13-14, bad deeds due to dehumanization and degradation can be addressed and prevented from an early age. The educational value of QS. Luqman verse 13 is to emphasize parents to keep their children away from acts of shirk and verse 14 is to emphasize for children to be good to parents and uphold gratitude. In this research, it can be concluded that the development of the digital era has greatly influenced human life to experience many significant changes. One of the changes occurs in children’s education which is assimilated with westernization and technology in it so that potential decadence occurs.</p>Murharyana MurharyanaIbnu Imam Al AyyubiSabrina YasminDede Ahmad RiyadiCep Hasbi Maulana
Copyright (c) 2024 Murharyana Murharyana, Ibnu Imam Al Ayyubi, Sabrina Yasmin, Dede Ahmad Riyadi, Cep Hasbi Maulana
2024-08-262024-08-264218420010.57163/almuhafidz.v4i2.103Angelika Neurwirth And Qur'anic Textual Originality (Epistemological Analysis Of Emmanuel Kant's Perspective)
<p>This paper reviews Neuwirth's thoughts regarding the originality of the Qur'anic text. According to Neuwirth, the texts of the Qur'an have been considered unoriginal because they have been influenced by Jewish and Christian traditions because the sources and methodologies used still have flaws. In reviewing Neuwirth's thoughts, this research focuses on the epistemology of Angelika Neuwirth's thoughts related to the originality of the Qur'anic text. Departing from the theory used, this paper discusses three questions. First, the sources used by Neuwirth, the methodology used, and how the validity of truth related to the originality of the Qur'anic text according to Neuwirth. This research uses a qualitative method by using library research data collection techniques. The data sources used are primary and secondary. Primary sources of the author get from Neuwirth's writings related to the Qur'an and secondary sources obtained from studies with the same object of study such as journals and books. The data that has been collected will be reduced as needed and analyzed using Emmanuel Kant's epistemology. As for the results of this study, first, Neuwirth uses text sources in the context of late antiquity. Second, Neuwirth uses an intertextuality-based pre-canonization method with a literary and historical approach. This research still has shortcomings, meaning that further research can be carried out related to the epistemology of Neuwirth's angelic thought such as the implications of Neuwirth's thinking for the study of the Qur'an in the West, especially in the scope of scholarship in Indonesia.</p>Khairun NiamFarida Nur Afifah
Copyright (c) 2024 Khairun Niam, Farida Nur ‘Afifah
2024-08-262024-08-264220121210.57163/almuhafidz.v4i2.118What Does Kautsar Look Like? Topical Interpretation Of Mustafa Muslim's Surah Al-Quran
<p>This study alludes to the lake of Kautsar as written in Surah al-Kausar verse 1. Because many Muslims read Surah Kautsar but do not know exactly about it. To explain this kautsar, the author will use the interpretation of a contemporary mufasir, Mustofa Muslim from Egypt, who explains that Muslims will meet the Prophet Muhammad SAW at the Kautsar lake. From here the question arises in the author's mind, how is Mustofa Muslim's interpretation of Surah Kautsar, what method does Mustofa use to interpret this letter, to answer these questions, researchers used Library Research. The purpose of this study is to highlight the opinion of Mustofa Muslim as a contemporary traveler who presents his interpretation in a different way. to complete this discussion the author uses the maudhui interpretation method used by the author Mustofa Muslim. The results obtained are a new way used by Mustofa Muslim to interpret this letter by prioritizing the history of tsiqoh companions such as Ibn Abbas RA over other companions, prioritizing Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhori and adding faidah lessons taken from the letter, and the method used to interpret this letter is with the interpretation method of maudhui method specifically for the letter.</p> <p> </p>Firdaus Maulana Akbar
Copyright (c) 2024 Firdaus Maulana Akbar
2024-08-262024-08-264221322610.57163/almuhafidz.v4i2.129Intertextuality Of The Story Of Prophet Ayub In The Qur'an And The Bible (Julia Kristeva Semiotic Approach)
<p>The stories of the prophets narrated by the Qur'an have mostly been explained in the Bible. each holy book in narrating the story of the prophet has its own purpose in conveying messages to its followers. Therefore, the stories of the prophets are important to be studied more deeply. This paper aims to analyze the differences in the narration of the story of prophet Ayub in the Qur'an and the Bible. This research uses qualitative methodology through the intertextual approach pioneered by Julia Kristeva in finding a comparison of the two scriptural narratives. This study concludes through the story of prophet Job contained in the Qur'an and the Bible that there is a reduction of narrative by the Qur'an which creates elements of haplology in each fragment. The suffering of prophet Job narrated by the Qur'an is the work of the devil. While the narrative told in the Bible is the devil. However, the general difference between the narratives of the two books is in terms of the themes raised. The Qur'an raises the theme of faithfulness and patience of Prophet Job, while the Bible carries the theme of suffering and piety of Prophet Job.</p>Muhammad Irfani
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Irfani
2024-08-262024-08-264222724010.57163/almuhafidz.v4i2.130Tafsir Basis Surat Perspective Abdul Hamid Al-Farahi: A Study Of The Concept Of Nazm And Its Application In The Interpretation Of Surah Al-Mursalat
<p>Abdul Hamid al-Farahi is one of the Indian Muslim scholars who uses the interpretation of the letter based on the concept of nazm. Surah-based interpretation is interpretation that works on the letter of the Qur'an as a unified whole and has a unified theme (the sura as a unity). In this article, the author tries to explain the concept of nazm initiated by al-Farahi and how this concept is applied in the interpretation of the letter Al-Mursalat. The author uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques through literature review. This paper shows that al-Farahi's nazm concept is a further development of the munasabah approach. Al-Farahi's concept of nazm emphasizes that each surah has an 'amud surah (central theme). 'Amud functions as a control over the resulting interpretation to build a unified letter. The application of the concept of nazm al-Farahi can be seen from his interpretation of the al-Mursalat letter. Al-Farahi stated that the 'amud of the letter revolves around warnings about the Day of Judgment, obedience to Allah, and doing good among fellow creatures. Thus, every interpretation of the verses in Surah Al-Mursalat must refer to the 'Amud of the Surah.</p>Iskandar KholisZulfikar AzharFadli Ismail
Copyright (c) 2024 Iskandar Kholis, Zulfikar Azhar, Fadli Ismail
2024-08-262024-08-264224125310.57163/almuhafidz.v4i2.134Muhammad Abduh's Qur'anic Interpretation Of Jihad: Implementation And Challenges In Modern Indonesian Society
<p>Muhammad Abduh is a modern mufassir whose thoughts are widely studied by scholars, one of which is about the verse of jihad. Abduh's ideas about the interpretation of the verse of jihad have inspired the birth of new thoughts that are more accommodating to the times. The purpose of this paper is to explore Abduh's thoughts on jihad in the Qur'an; implement and analyze the challenges of Abduh's jihad interpretation for modern Indonesian society; and analyze the positive and negative impacts of the implementation offer. The method used is library research with a content analysis approach. The results revealed that Abduh understood jihad was not limited to military and war aspects, spiritual, moral, social, and educational struggles also included the meaning of jihad. Jihad is also understood as a continuous effort to improve oneself and society, uphold justice, and advance science and social reform; the implementation of Abduh's meaning of Jihad is very relevant and in line with the needs of a plural and dynamic Indonesian society. By integrating education, dialog, and active involvement from all components of society, it can encourage the creation of a more just, peaceful, and advanced society. The challenge is that there is resistance and rejection from traditional circles that hold fast to old thinking; the positive impact of Abduh's thinking is to encourage the constructive contribution of Muslims in various aspects of life and inspire a peaceful and progressive renewal movement. Meanwhile, the negative impact is the potential for internal conflict, because his offer of thought will face the traditionalist thinking adopted by most Indonesians.</p>Abdul RohmanMega Rustiana
Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Rohman, Mega Rustiana
2024-08-262024-08-264225426810.57163/almuhafidz.v4i2.136Religious Pluralism In The View Of Islam (Comparative Interpretation Of Sayyid Quthb And Maulana Farid Esack)
<p>This research examines the different points of interpretation of religious pluralism to obtain coherent results on whether the pluralism referred to in the Qur'an is in the form of equality of every religion or plurality that respects each other with existing differences. The discourse with these two views creates bias in the interpretation of religious pluralism which has an impact on obscuring the concrete nature of the Qur'an. The type of research used is qualitative-descriptive-analytical research by explaining the explanation or depiction with clear and detailed words systematically, factually, and accurately based on existing data from library research. Furthermore, it is reduced by Abdul Hayy Al-Farmawi's muqarran method. The results of this study found that Sayyid Qutb disagrees with religious pluralism because religious plurality is a necessity, but not with religious pluralism. Maulana Farid Esack argues that whatever religion a person believes in as long as he believes in Allah and the last day and does righteous deeds, then he will get a guarantee of salvation.</p>Dudung Abdul KarimTasya SekardillaAlber OkiMuslich Marzuki MahdorRahmat Soleh
Copyright (c) 2024 Dudung Abdul Karim, Muslich Marzuki Mahdor, Tasya Sekardilla, Rahmat ?Soleh, Alber Oki
2024-08-262024-08-264226928510.57163/almuhafidz.v4i2.137Ibnu Ashur's Interpretation On Qs. An-Nahl Verse 78 Regarding The Character Building Of Prenatal Children
<p>Prenatal character building reflects the importance of educating children well. Character education can start from the prenatal period in accordance with the Qur'anic verse in QS. Al-A'raf verse 172 which tells the story of fetal interaction with God during the allegiance. Although there is a view that prenatal children cannot be educated on the grounds of the verse QS. An-Nahl verse 78, but learning potential such as hearing and vision can be started early. This research studies the pattern of character building of prenatal children based on the perspective of tafsir <em>at-tahrir wa at-tanwir </em>by Ibn Ashur and its application in society. This research method is a literature study with a descriptive approach of tarbawi interpretation to understand the context of QS. The character building of prenatal children is directed to optimize the potential of <em>as-sam'a, al-abshar</em>, and <em>al-af'idah </em>as mentioned in QS. This involves the coordination of these three potentials to understand the science and nature of things so that children understand the right way to live. Based on the author's analysis, character education methods for prenatal children must pay attention to fundamental values such as <em>al-fitrah, al-samahah, al-musawah, </em>and <em>al-huriyyah </em>by using appropriate methods such as prayer, worship, reading, dhikr, dialogue, joint activities, and naturally conducive methods.</p>Hafid Nur MuhammadMuslich Marzuki MahdhorSidney Famela
Copyright (c) 2024 Hafid Nur Muhammad, Muslich Marzuki Mahdhor, Sidney Famela
2024-08-262024-08-264228630310.57163/almuhafidz.v4i2.138The Effectiveness Of Muroja'ah In Prayer On The Quality Of Memorization
<p>This article presents research on the effectiveness of muroja'ah in prayer and its impact on the quality of Qur'anic memorization among memorizers in West Java, which is known as an important region in the development of hafidz through the SADESHA program. This study identifies the challenges faced by memorizers, especially those who have graduated from pesantren, in maintaining their memorization due to their busy schedules and lack of time for muroja'ah. Using a descriptive correlational approach with quantitative methods, this study involved statistical analysis to explore the relationship between muroja'ah in prayer and memorization quality. Data were collected through interviews and documentation, and analyzed using bivariate methods and various statistical tests. The results showed that muroja'ah in prayer has a significant influence on improving the quality of memorization in Pondok Tahfidz Generasi Rabbani Qur'ani, with a strong correlation between the two variables, thus providing a clear understanding of the importance of this practice in maintaining memorization of the Qur'an.</p> <p> </p>Lutvia Rahma ArifaAri Mohamad Ridwan
Copyright (c) 2024 Lutvia Rahma Arifa, Ari Mohammad Ridwan